Tuesday 9 September 2014

Bandung Trip September 2014

Hi guys, right after East Java trip, we make a sudden plan to have West Java trip..hehehe It was Bandung City we chose, the closer one with Jakarta.

It was one of our friend idea to have trip...any trip..even we just finish from East Java. He offers to ride the car to Bandung for catching Sunrise at Tebing Keraton (a new sight seeing trend in Bandung) and to have culinary trip, and also catching Sunset at Moko highland. Both of Sunrise and Sunset will face the Bandung City. I add some culinary photos and street photography in this posting.

Well, lets enjoy what my photography would says...

The trip start on Friday after office hour, we meet at one of the mall in Jakarta and then ride the car together to Bandung. And crazy traffic with some people with car accident happen on the way delay our trip, at the end we arrived at Bandung about 02:00 in the morning. We pick our "local" guide friends (which later we find that GPS is more reliable...hahaha) from their house and goes to Tebing Keraton catching the Sunrise. But first, the most important is to eaaaaaaat...!!! So culinary start early morning..hahaha

I don't know exactly the location, but I did "check in" at foursquare and it say Jl. Marjuk, they call the place as Food truck in Bandung. This shop open at night only and it sell very delicious "perkedel Bondon". You should see the next photos.

Perkedel Bondon.

And then the heavy food is Goat Satay of Hadori ... still in the same spot with Perkedel Bondon.. it is very delicious, seems the young goat meat, so soft and tender in our mouth.

Then we arrived at Tebing Keraton (i.e. Palace Cliff), it was 04:00 in the morning and still dark, we see nothing as far as our head lamp can reach. And no one else there but us. It is great, we think we can have good spot and landscape, after all at Bromo we cannot because to many people heads.

Too bad, that it just in our dream, later so many people came and stand right near the edge of the cliff, they want to have dramatic picture of them selves on the cliff, and it is mean our bad landscape with heads again....hahahahaha

Anyway, this place is new and not yet organize well, no safety fences here, so be careful. Later when the Sunlight up, we see the warning banner that it is dangerous cliff to stand on...hahaha so stupid!

Safety First

Attention !!!! 
The tourist area is limited. 
1. Area are prone to landslides. 
2. Condition unstable cliffs. 
3. Prohibited fell down the cliff. 
4. Prohibited photographed on top of a cliff. 
5. Prohibited pushing and shoving each other.

And no one follow the warning...hahaha crazy!!!

So many people at the edge/top of the cliff... thanks God nothing bad happen..

Some photos I took with my phone camera:

After sometimes taking photos there, we continue our journey. And actually at the way down to car park, we see such beautiful scenes.

Hahaha..playing around with my new lens Nikon AFS 55-300mm f4,5-5,6 ED VR, I bought second hand but still in very good condition. And I satisfy with the result. Good purchased!

I snap these photos thru car windows while it is riding the ugly country road, and the VR system (which claims by Nikon can manage 4 stops) really do it works. Yippie..

The boy just peek on me.

This area also known for military training, especially jungle training.

Then the next stop is still in the area of Taman Hutan or Forest Park of Bandung, it called Forest Park of Ir. H. Juanda (he was hero from Bandung). Besides Tebing Keraton, the whole forest have other attraction, most of it require walking. There are Japanese war cave and Dutch/Holland war cave, there is waterfall (which too far for walking and we are too tired to walking), etc. This place seems manage well (not like Tebing Keraton), there are path for horses and also for bicycle/motorcycle, so besides walk you can hire a "ojek" or motorcycle services, horse services, or bring your own bicycle.

How many faces? Hehehe... reflection is one of art in photography.

I love this ROL (Rain Of Light)

I see local food shop preparing barbecue.. :p

We pay her for this photo with buying mineral water..hahaha

Candid this...for free..hahaha

Meet Aini, such cherris beautiful local kid.

Taking photos before enter Gua Belanda (i.e. Dutch/Holland cave)

I took this with my phone...hehe selfie.

In the way to next cave that is Japanese cave, not far from the previous one, I took candid of people, some I like so much that it turn just great like it was a story in it, like one below, the outfit, the head facing, the couple and the scenes looks like one Korean drama...hahahaha

Inside the Japanese cave, I got an idea, I see the labyrinth and the opening can show us multiply light source and can lighting the whole tunnels to infinity of darkness, then I set my tripod and make this "my favorite selfie" hahahaha..

After the jungle refreshing, we get back to the city, having lunch and check in to the hotel, we took a rest a while for getting energy in catching Sunset at Moko highland. But before, we stop at one of legendary cold drink shop. 

Legendary Rolling Stones is legendary "Es Bungsu Bandung"......hahahaha.. Yes it plays your tongue well, fresh, taste, cool, and if you really really feeling rockeeeeeeeer!!! (tongue out) Yeaaah....!!

I took the photo with my phone.

The road to Moko highland is not to fun, first we have to passed the traffic, later we find the road getting smaller and curving up down left right, and then so small until it can only passed by one lane of car. Later even at near to the area, the road getting ugly and the last 300 meter, better to walk.

But there are many car can manage to the area, but we taking safety first that we park at lower area. Also many motorcycle goes to the area, even so, with a lot of effort, we saw one have to push their motorcycle to get at the area.

It is only 300 meter walk, but the elevation....hahaha

The cloud is high and we missed the Sunset anyway....

This place you can seduce your girl, propose her, or any other romantic rag...hahahaha I heard one while setting my tripod for night photo, the girl was only 19 years old...hahaha (remember my teenage... I am sure will not let my daughter come here...hahaha)

My lovely wide lens TOKINA 12-24 f4....hehehe

Oh so sweet....but not close enough..hahaha

Bandung view at night.

After the "good effort" of Sunset, we back to the city for another culinary adventure. We buy the famous Martabak San Francisco of Bandung, it was delicious like pancake look at San Francisco street. But anyway, the line is so long, we have to wait almost 1 hours here to get our order...

But for me, it is nice for photography people in activities....

And we have very late dinner at Paskal Hyper Squere, it was a huge food court with hungry crowds... including us... hahahaha

Later we back to the hotel to close the day trip, get very good sleeping (for it is so good until it seems like blinking our eyes...hahaha), prepare energy to drive long hour back to Jakarta tomorrow.

Before return to Jakarta, we stop at Prima Rasa bakery shop for buying cookies as gifts, we stop for culinary at Mie Rica (the most spicy noodle ever). And I took some street photography all the way back. Okay then, thats all the trip of Bandung, hopes you enjoy it. It sure will be the next trip to Bandung because we missed many culinary spot that should be visit someday soon....hahaha

A woman delivery ordered cakes..

Batagor, one of local culinary, you can find it almost everywhere in west java, Bandung for sure, but you can find it in Jakarta too.

Beautiful eyes reflected at "Batagor" cart...hehehe

Kids always a very honest object for photography...cute!

"the look" - it was old lady beggar with a little girl look..

Mie Rica Jl. Kejaksaan Bandung
(It is the most spicy and hot pork noodles ever....hahaha)

The end.

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